Laravel Open Source Repositories on GitHub

koel is a simple personal audio streaming web service that was built with Vue.JS on the client-side and Laravel on the server-side. It is particularly convenient for personal use. The music library can be stored on a server, and users can benefit from library access from anywhere on any device. Communication between the server and the frontend is executed through the API, and console commands can be used to synchronize the library. The project is popular and has a large number of forks. One of the biggest benefits of koel is that it offers good documentation and community support, meaning that anyone can deploy the project.
Voyager is a simple and convenient Laravel site administration panel that offers the following functions:
File manager
Voyager has a full-featured media manager that allows you to view, edit, and delete files from your vault. The file manager is compatible with Amazon s3 on-premises or file storage.
Menu designer
You can use the menu designer to quickly and easily create a menu for your site. In fact, the menu in the admin panel was built using the menu designer. You can use the menu designer to quickly and easily add, edit, and delete menu items.
Database manager
You can use the database manager to manage your database directly from Voyager and add, edit, and delete tables according to your requirements.
Using Voyager settings, you can easily create any number of settings for your site. For example, you can modify site logos, colors, or any other settings you need to adjust. Editable input fields, image loading, drop-down lists, and much more can also be used as settings.
This section will help you make the most out of the Voyager resources. It has the ability to execute Laravel commands and a section in which you can view application log files.
Monica is an open-source personal assistant for organizing your interactions with your colleagues, friends, and family.
Monica allows people to keep track of everything that’s important to them, be it call history, events related to certain people, or reminders to call someone. It will even help you remember the name and age of your children!
This project is designed for people who find it difficult to remember the details of other people’s lives, especially those who they care about. Other social networks can also be used for this purpose; however, those sites typically only allow you to view what other people are doing. With Monica, you can add your own notes about people. The app has received numerous positive reviews from users who suffer from Asperger’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, or are simply introverted.
Talk is a system that uses the Laravel framework to support real-time messaging between users. This package is easy to integrate with any Laravel-based project.
Basic possibilities:
– Search for users and send private messages
– Use sockets to exchange messages in real-time
– Delete messages